Although a formal committee of Brighton & Hove City Council, the Health & Wellbeing Board has a remit which includes matters relating to the Integrated Care Board (NHS Sussex), the Local Safeguarding Boards for Children and Adults and Healthwatch.




Integrated Community Teams Report


Date of Meeting:


12 November 2024

Report of:


Corporate Director, Housing, Care & Wellbeing; Managing Director, NHS Sussex (Brighton & Hove)




Chas Walker





Wards Affected: All






Executive Summary

This paper provides the Health & Wellbeing Board with an update that covers the proposed changes to our Integrated Community Teams footprint for Brighton & Hove and progress on delivering the Shared Delivery Plan objectives that support the Integrated Care Strategy – Improving Lives Together - and the ambition for Integrated Community Teams.




1             Decisions, recommendations and any options

1.1         The Health & Wellbeing Board is asked to note the report for the purpose of adding its endorsement to the proposed change to the city’s Integrated Community Teams (ICT) footprint. The report is also for information and progress on delivering our ICT Shared Delivery Plan objectives.


2             Relevant information.

2.1         Our Integrated Care Strategy, Improving Lives Together sets out our vision for the development of ICTs to deliver clinically led, sustainable services, that are easy to access and improve people’s experience of care, deliver better outcomes and address health inequalities across Sussex wide ICT footprint. In 2022/23 partners from across the Sussex Health and Care Partnership, came together to develop a programme of work to design, implement and develop this strategic aim. The development of ICTs is a national approach being developed by Integrated Care Systems across the Country. It aligns with NHS England’s 2024/25 priorities and operational planning guidance, for the NHS, to improve health at every stage of life. It is also aligned to the new Government’s reforms that will look to “shift our NHS away from a model geared towards late diagnosis and treatment, to a model where more services are delivered in local communities.


2.2         How we will deliver ICTs is set out in our Sussex Shared-Delivery-Plan. This year’s Sussex ICT Shared Delivery Plan objectives are set out in the table below. The Board is asked to specifically note the refocusing of ICT development to be Place Partnership led


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3             Brighton & Hove Integrated Community Teams Footprint


3.1         The current four Brighton & Hove ICT footprints were originally set to the Local Authority’s (LA) operational boundaries, which were artificially created across the city, rather than its statutory boundary. At that time, it was felt to be a way to divide the city for ICT delivery. It is important to note that East & West Sussex ICT footprints are aligned to District & Borough statutory boundaries, making Brighton and Hove an outlier in this design.

3.2         Over the last 6 months, there has been a multitude of complexities in trying to use the four artificial boundaries for our ICT footprints, and this has led to several challenges in our local work to implement ICTs. These challenges include incomplete ICT data packs with difficulty getting some data as much of our Local Authority data can only be defined at city level (i.e. statutory boundary). Our current four ICT footprints cut across health partners boundaries, adding a further layer of complexity and barriers to consistent engagement with ICT development and implementation. The current ICT footprints are also now out of alignment with our local Neighbourhood Mental Health Teams (NMHT) which have been agreed as three teams and launching in October using the city-wide footprint.

3.3         Of note, last year our Community Oversight Board identified operationalising the ICT Core offer across the existing four ICT footprints as high risk to establishing and achieving the aims of the ICT programme in the agreed timeframes as they were not aligned to PCN groupings and patient lists.

3.4         The Brighton and Hove Health and Care Partnership Executive Board has spent the last few months consulting with partners and wider stakeholders and the consistent message after much discussion indicated that the best solution would be to realign its ICT design footprint to reflect its statutory boundary.

3.5         A proposal paper went through our local Community Oversight Board and our Health & Care Partnership Executive Board’s over September where all partners agreed to setting the Brighton & Hove ICT footprint boundary as the statutory local authority boundary for the city would be the best decision. This would not only create a consistent methodology across Sussex for ICT footprints but also provide local partners in Brighton and Hove with an ICT footprint that would be a natural hub with greater level of flexibility to develop spokes that supported operationalising community delivery across the city in terms of core and local offer at a much faster pace.

3.6         This proposal has also been through the Sussex Integrated Community Teams Delivery Board which endorsed the change. As this is a fundamental change to Sussex Integrated Care Strategy this will need final sign off by the Sussex System Oversight Board at end of October.

3.7         In anticipation of this approval there has been renewed energy and enthusiasm across partners who have already begun to develop the spokes as three Brighton and Hove ICT Partnership Delivery groups. These delivery partners will sit within the overarching single ICT footprint Hub reporting into our Community Oversight Board and have already begun to align the physical health and care delivery with the three Neighbourhood Mental Health Teams and so signals that joining up of care to improve outcomes for our population has already commenced.


4             Local development & implementation of Integrated Community Teams


4.1         Shared Delivery Plans - Below is our local Shared Delivery Plan objectives that are supporting our work at Place to develop and implement ICTs




What we will do

What we will achieve


Multiple compound needs (MCN) community frontrunner- as part of our Central ICT we will use the learning from the MCN transformation programme to establish an MCN Integrated Community Team

  • Complete the external evaluation of the multidisciplinary team pilot
  • Develop the detailed plan for repurposing what we already have and how we transition to a city wide MCN Integrated Community Team with integrated commissioning approach
  • Sign off MCN partners compact agreement



NEW Integrated Community Teams (ICT)- to support the development of our new ICT footprints. We will establish a local ICT implementation plan that builds on our community development approach and establishes strong local partnerships

  • Map of our local ICT community assets across the four ICT footprints
  • Align ICT development with our Healthy Communities, Family Hubs and Community Mental Health programmes
  • Establish four Health Forums and test two ICT partnership pilots across our four ICT areas

March 2025


4.2         Multiple Compound Needs (MCNs) - we are using the learning from our Changing Futures Programme to inform the development of an MCN Integrated Community Team model for the city. On the 11th November the Chair of the Health and Wellbeing Board is chairing an MCN Summit event that will bring together MCN partners to agree the next steps to meeting this aim and lead to an MCN partners compact agreement. The summit event will include our external evaluation partner presenting their interim evaluation report findings.

4.3         Healthy Communities Programme - this programme is led by our two community development partners Hangleton & Knoll Project and Trust for Developing Communities. The programme supports the leadership of our community health forums, our three ICT partnership delivery groups and their ICT test of change programmes. The programme also drives our partnership delivery of our localised health inequality and population health programmes. The healthy communities programme has been a significant part of our local development of ICTs and has been recognised as an exemplar of integrated neighbourhood working at an upcoming NHSE regional event.

4.4         Neighbourhood mental health teams- is a key part of ICT development and will be presented in more detail at our actual meeting

4.5         Children & Young People- we wanted to ensure sure there is clear ICT plan for children, young people and families. To support this approach we have agreed to align the work of the city’s Family Help Board and the associated Family Hubs in the city with the development of ICTs.

4.6         Assets Mapping – We are carrying out a piece of work scoping and listing the assets we have in the City including estates, digital, service delivery, partnerships and working on how we utilise these to best impact for our Brighton and Hove Population by reducing complexities and duplication.


3.      Important considerations and implications




3.1        As set out in the report the  development of Integrated Community Teams (ICT) is a national approach being developed by Integrated Care Systems across the Country, which should align with NHS England’s 2024/25 priorities and operational planning guidance to improve health at every stage of life.


3.2        The Board is asked to note the refocusing of ICT development to be Place Partnership led


Lawyer consulted:   Natasha Watson      Date: 4.11.2024





3.3       The Sussex Integrated Care Strategy and Shared Delivery Plan provides the integrated care system with a flexible framework which builds on existing system and place strategies and plans, including Joint Health and Wellbeing Board Strategies. The Shared Delivery plan outlines the measures to be taken to deliver the Strategy’s system and place priorities for the short and long-term.


3.4       This informs budget development and the Medium-Term Financial strategy of the partner organisations, including the council. This requires a joined-up process for budget setting in relation to all local public services where appropriate, and will ensure that there is an open, transparent and integrated approach to planning and provision of services. Any changes in service delivery for the council will be subject to recommissioning processes and will need to be delivered within the available budget.



Finance Officer consulted:     Jamiu Ibraheem            Date: 22/10/2024




3.5        The development of ICTs has been informed by Equality Impact Assessments. ICTs are focused on reducing health inequalities across our local system. Our local ICT programme has been developed through the learning from last year’s Community Health Inequalities programme





3.6         No implications identified.


Health, social care, children’s services and public health:


3.7       Covered in the main body of the report




Supporting documents and information
